Friday, April 09, 2010

If there's anything I want to do, its to have heart-to-heart talks with the ones who can understand my thoughts. To be honest around a friend and hope things will be solved. To get back to my friends whom I was so close to (a few).

At least I know I'm not the only one with thoughts like that, I wished I had the whole night to talk about these things, too bad we had to go. As I'm beginning to understand myself more, I find myself a slightly better person. (I suppose).

Right after all those troubles from the past have been more or less solved (within me), another one has to pop out. Sometimes I really wish I could have a conversation with my brain. It'd go something like this:

Me: "brain, can you stop analysing stuff so often? & can you have some control over heart so she wouldn't give me endless streams of trouble?"

Its a terrible thing to not be able to control your heart, because it kinda controls the way you think too. Life's unfair, how can the heart control your brain when your brain can't control your heart? (yes I know emotions are from your brain too) Glad I'm at least able to focus on my studies a little better to care about these things. I'd love to dig my pumping heart out.

Call me nasty, but your absence these days made my life a whole lot better. I don't know if I'm afraid of you, but life's just better this way.

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